Thursday, November 15, 2012

San Sebastian Church

From my July 14, 2012 post. Feeling holy :P

It's my final year in San Beda and I'm not even hanging out at school that much anymore so one day Charmaine and I decided to explore the different landmarks around Mendiola that I've never set foot in. One of these places include San Sebastian Church.

Honestly, in my four years in Mendiola, I never went in to San Sebastian Church until that day. Not because their basketball team annoys me but because I'm always in a hurry to go home and rest. So now, my sister and I took time to visit it.

According to UNESCO:
The Church of San Sebastian is made of a steel frame and panels and is known for its distinct characteristic - that of being the only neo-gothic steel church in the Philippines and in Asia.
The steel parts were manufactured in the Societe Anonyme's foundry in Binche, Belgium and were shipped to Manila.  On June 12, 1888, the first shipment of steel parts were brought to the Philippines.  For two years, the church was assembled with local artists and craftsmen joining the Belgian firm in applying the final finishing touches on this new church of steel.  The stained glass windows were imported from the Henri Oidtmann Company, a German stained glass firm.
My sister was awestruck and had to touch and knock at the walls to ensure that she's really there at the first ever steel church in Asia. It feels surreal that I'm already at a place that I only hear about in discussions during my Sibika at Kultura class.

We lighted candles and prayed for the family.

I have to say that San Sebastian Church is one of the prettiest churches I've visited. The atmosphere is very serene that it makes me want to pray with all my heart.

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